There is overall a mindset change from relying on external out-sourcing to developing their own capabilities in New Zealand. Instead of being outsourced, the software is now fully developed by the in-house software team. They are now also looking to redevelop their hardware by themselves as well so that they have more control. Importantly, they see huge value in advanced machine learning and automation technologies in disrupting how hydraulic hose services are delivered.
Fast forward to 2025, BOA has met their goal of making five portable BOApods a week and is aiming to make even more.
BOA is an innovation leader in the global hydraulics market. Using technology to change the way hydraulic machinery is managed, BOA is driving significant productivity and cost savings in many sectors in New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands. Thanks to their determination, and the support of the University of Auckland and Callaghan Innovation, who knows what they will achieve next?
“I have no hesitation to recommend connecting with both UniServices and the University of Auckland to assist with innovation strategy and implementation, BOAs incredible journey of innovation to date is a testament to the outcomes possible,” says Jorge.
UniServices Partnerships and Innovation Manager, Luke Spencer, provided UniServices expertise in business development to the project.
“It was great to be introduced to this project through my work with Yuqian. I was impressed to see the impact the research had in driving BOA's growth and capabilities. It's a fantastic example of what can happen when a company engages with research. If you're keen on collaborating with researchers, I'd love to catch up and see how we can make it work.”