Andy Shenk

Andy Shenk was appointed UniServices CEO in 2013. He leads UniServices in supporting the growth of research at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland and the translation of research intellectual property into impacts in Aotearoa New Zealand and the rest of the world. Andy also leads UniServices in investing in business opportunities with potential to deliver benefits to society and in investing in the development of the leaders of the future.

For the first ten years of Andy's career, he was an academic at the University of Delaware, Yale University and U.C. Irvine before joining New Zealand company Genesis Research and Development Corporation Ltd. After seven years in research and senior management positions at Genesis, Andy moved to Fonterra, where he held a variety of senior positions in research strategy, venture investment and most recently as chief scientist.

During his time at Fonterra, Andy was a director and chair of Lactopharma, a joint venture company owned by Fonterra and UniServices, and he served as a director of a number of new spin-out companies in the United States. His current directorships in New Zealand include The Icehouse, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research, and Hop Revolution. Andy holds a BSc in Biology from Rhodes College and a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Delaware.

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